20 Feb

FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) was set up to access the quality standards of business that handles food products. FSSAI authority was established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and the primary aim of this authority is dealing with the issuing of food licenses in India. This license is mandatory for all the food business operators such as traders, manufacturers, food store owners. The main aim of the FSSAI License is to ensure that all the food products sold or packed by FBOs strictly follow all the rules & regulations and standards set by the FSSAI. In this article, we discuss the process of the FSSAI License in Tripura.

What are the types of FSSAI License in Tripura?

The FSSAI Registration totally depends on the volume of the business, premises, the installed capacity, turnover of the business, business location and there are three different types of FSSAI License in India, and you can check the same from below:

Types of FSSAI License in Tripura

What are the vital documents required for FSSAI License in Tripura?

Following are some vital documents required at the time of FSSAI License in Tripura:

  • Complete and submit the duly signed Form B.
  • Submit the latest passport size photographs of the food business operator.
  • Submit a copy of the rent agreement in case of the rented premise.
  • Submit Partnership Deed, MOA (Memorandum of Association), AOA (Article of Association), depends on the entity type.
  • Submit a detailed list of all the food products.
  • Submit a blueprint of the food safety management system.

List of all the documents required for the Central FSSAI License:

  • Complete and submit the duly signed Form B.
  • Blueprint of the unit.
  • Detailed list of all the equipment and all the machinery used in the premise.
  • Submit the detailed list of all the proposed directors, partners, proprietorships, and it is also based upon the type of entity.
  • Detailed list of all the food products involved in the food business.
  • Form IX.
  • Submit the certificate from the Ministry of Tourism.
  • Certificate from the Ministry of Commerce for 100% EDU.
  • Submit a rental agreement or any other proof of ownership of the premise.
  • Authority Letter.
  • NOC or PA document approved by FSSAI.

List of all the documents required for FSSAI State License:

  • Complete and submit the duly signed Form B.
  • Detailed list of all the equipment and all the machinery used in the premise.
  • Submit the detailed list of all the proposed directors, partners, proprietorships, and it is also based upon the type of entity.
  • Detailed list of all the food products involved in the food business.
  • Authority Letter.
  • Certificate of Food Safety Management System.
  • Submit a rental agreement or any other proof of ownership of the premise.
  • Any other essential document.

What is the detailed process of the FSSAI License in Tripura?

Following are the steps involved in obtaining the FSSAI License in Tripura:

Detailed process of the FSSAI License in Tripura
  • Submit the Form: The first and most important step is to choose the type of business that the applicant wants to operate. On the basis of the annual turnover, the applicant will either go for the Basic Registration of Central/State Registration process. Form-A must be used in the case of Basic Registration, but for State or Central Registration, Form-B must be used. To make a fresh or new application, the application must visit the website of FosCos
  • Pay the Registration Fee: Then, the applicant has to pay the registration fees and the FSSAI License Registration application form. 
  • Attach all the documents: Then, the applicant must attach all the vital documents along with the application form. 
  • Receive UARN Number: Once the application process is completed, a UARN (Unique Application Reference Number) would be generated, and even for Central or State Registration, the process is the same. 
  • Inspection by Authority: Once the authority receives the form, they will inspect the application form and all the attached documents. 
  • Unit Inspection: After the above step, the unit will be inspected by the authority to see if the unit meets all the requirements and criteria as prescribed by the FSSAI. 
  • Issuance of FSSAI License: If the authority didn’t find any issue with the application and the unit or premises, the authority would issue the FSSAI Registration Certificate.


From the above, it is clear that FSSAI Registration is essential for all the food business operators in India, such as manufacturers, traders, transporters, etc. The registration of FSSAI is based on the annual turnover and type of business. Always keep in mind that FSSAI License in Tripura is always advantageous to have and not a disadvantage in any means.

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